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Being the last song on "Remain in Light", it is an attempt by the band to recreate the gothic sound that Joy Division had already popularized by then. The remarkable thing is that none of the members had heard any of their songs, and they created the atmosphere and melody based purely on descriptions from the music press.

With "tribal-cum-industrial" beats created by Byrne and Harrison (as described by them), the lyrics evoke a sense of despair and anxiety, reflecting the overwhelming nature of modern society. The song highlights the struggle to maintain sanity amidst a chaotic and fast-paced world. As Byrne sings lines like “Day after day, love turns gray, like the skin of a dying man,” he portrays a feeling of gloom and exhaustion that many individuals can resonate with. The song's title itself suggests an overload of information, stress, and emotional burdens that can weigh heavily on one's mind.

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